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Finding a Job in Home Care

July 09, 2015, 09:07 AM

More than ever before, job seekers going online to look for employment. But applying for jobs online and emailing your resume along with tons of other job seekers makes it difficult to stand out among the crowd. In 2015 alone, jobs in the home health industry has increased over outpatient facilities, with 8,400 position added just in May of this year. The need for qualified home care professionals has increased dramatically, but how can you find a home care job with a great agency? Chicago home care agencies like Abcor accept applications on the web, but also venture out into the “real world” to find the best candidates in a variety of places.

Abcor Job Fair

Senior Fairs

If you’re looking for a job in home care and want to work with the geriatric population, senior fairs and expos are the best places to start. Typically featuring booths from healthcare vendors, insurance companies, and local businesses, a fair or expo aimed at seniors also has plenty of home care agencies in attendance. In addition to meeting agency personnel and inquiring about employment opportunities, you’ll also be able to network directly with seniors and their families, as well as learn about health and social issues that affect the elderly. A senior fair or expo is a fantastic first step to networking with home care industry insiders in a more casual setting than a job fair, but you should come prepared in appropriate attire and with printed copies of your resume. Click here to learn more about upcoming events for seniors in the Chicago area.

Career Fairs

More broad in scope than a senior fair, a career or job fair generally features a wide range of businesses across many industries, including healthcare. Job fairs are held in a variety of settings, from churches to convention centers and are organized by the community, colleges, or major companies. While home care-specific fairs are rare, you will find many agencies in attendance at dedicated healthcare career fairs. If you’re interested in working for a specific local or national agency, check their websites to find which events they will attend or possibly host. Remember that career fairs are designed to hire talent, so be sure to come prepared. Typically, you must register for a career fair beforehand, at which time you’ll receive a list of companies planning to attend. Do your homework and research the agencies in which you may be interested beforehand; prospective employers are more likely to hire a candidate who takes initiative and asks relevant questions, showing that they’ve done their research. You’ll want to bring multiple copies of your resume (plan to hand out two copies for each company), and come dressed in conservative, business attire (even if you’ll be wearing scrubs on the job!). Prepare yourself as you would prior to a formal interview; you will essentially be going on many mini-interviews with prospective employers. Find Chicago-area career fairs and open houses here.

Employment Services & Unemployment Office

Are you unemployed or looking to re-enter the workforce? Your state’s employment service is designed to help you. Many state governments partner with local businesses to create job opportunities for individuals who are having difficulty finding employment. Your local unemployment or employment services office will have these opportunities available to you; specify your interest in a home care career and your local office will try to find a match with employers in the area, like Abcor. Find your local office by visiting the Illinois Department of Employment Security.

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