What Conditions Require Home Care? | Abcor Home Health
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What Conditions Require Home Care?

July 20, 2015, 00:59 AM

Taking on a home care provider may seem at first like a luxury, like an exceptional support system only for those with extreme medical conditions and limitations. Or, home care may seem more suited to those who have physical limitations, whereas your loved one is coping with cognitive difficulties. The truth is, home care is a good choice for a huge spectrum of cases. Take a look at the following conditions which Abcor’s services fit, and in which home care can significantly improve the client’s overall quality of life.

Physical Conditions

Image Source (CC BY 2.0) by stevendepolo via flickr

Image Source (CC BY 2.0) by stevendepolo via flickr

Medical conditions that affect a person’s physical abilities – whether due to illness or injury, whether temporary or long term – are the most obvious scenarios for inviting home care support into the healing process. Home care specialists not only make the day-to-day activities of living easier – from showering to dressing, and walking to driving – but they are also trained to help patients cope with the mental obstacles such as frustration and lack of self-confidence that go hand-in-hand with physical challenges.

Specific cases of physical conditions in which home health care is an excellent choice include cases of arthritis, diabetes, ALS ( Lou Gehrig’s Disease), blood disorders including leukemia and lymphoma, cardiovascular disorders including recovery from a heart attack, endocrine disorders, gastrointestinal disorders including hepatitis and pancreatitis, respiratory disorders including pneumonia and cystic fibrosis, and more. Whether you’re struggling more with routine tasks or with a prescribed medical regimen including when to take which medications or conduct certain exercises, home care is certainly an important tool for you.

Cognitive Conditions

Conditions that affect mental well-being can be at least as difficult as those with more physical symptoms, while also bringing a whole other layer of psychological pain. Patients with Alzheimer’s Disease, Parkinson’s Disease, and/or dementia can all benefit greatly from home care specialists’ training by allowing the patient to stay at home and in the community for as long as possible, by maximizing each level of mental agility as it is available, and by helping the patient and their family cope with the very emotional side effects.

Short-Term Conditions

Many people think that home care help is really a long term support system for on-going conditions, but the truth is, even rehabilitation from injury including orthopedic injuries, rehabilitation after a stroke, and after brain and spinal cord injuries are far smoother with help. The road to recovery may be shorter than that of terminal illnesses or old age, but there is no reason not to make it that much smoother by bringing professionals into your home to see your health restored as quickly and comfortably as possible.

Chronic Conditions

Home care solutions are by no means limited, however, to short-term conditions. Cancer patients, elderly people, and those in hospice care may have a long and challenging journey ahead of them. This kind of scenario in particular is conducive to the compassionate and skilled aid of home care professionals.

There are so many types of cases where home care can offer improved quality of life and a smoother, quicker path to restored health. You may have been familiar with all of the scenarios above, or maybe some come as a surprise. Maybe you don’t see your particular case here and are still wondering whether home care is a good fit for you – contact Abcor today, and we will be happy to discuss your options.

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