Finding the Best Physical Therapist for You | Abcor Home Health
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Finding the Best Physical Therapist for You

July 13, 2015, 01:19 AM

Recovering from an injury can be a long and challenging process, but under the guidance of a fantastic physical therapist (PT), that process can be much more efficient and effective. A competent, knowledgeable, and compassionate physical therapist can make all the difference in aiding your recovery, but where can you find a qualified PT to help in your area?

Online Directories

These days, you can shop around for everything on the Web – including your physical therapist. Using simple Google searches, you can find plenty of directories with listings of physical therapists in your area. Unlike shopping for clothing or electronics, however, you may want to do a bit more research and use certified sites when it comes to your health and wellness. Trusted sites like Angie’s List offer reviews and ratings for PTs in your area in a subscriber-only model from verified users. You can also find free reviews and ratings on healthcare directories like Healthgrades and ZocDoc which allow you to search for providers in your insurance network as well. If you’re looking for a specific type of therapist, go straight to the source at the American Physical Therapy Association where you can search for licensed PTs by location, specialty, and practice area.

Image Source (CC BY 2.0) by soldiersmediacenter via flickr

Image Source (CC BY 2.0) by soldiersmediacenter via flickr

Home Health Agencies & Healthcare Facilities

While searching online for a PT is convenient, the safest way to find a vetted physical therapist is through a healthcare facility or agency. Agencies, like Abcor, perform thorough checks of licenses and backgrounds to ensure only well-qualified therapists are hired on staff. While outpatient facilities may also offer services for the issues most commonly affecting older Americans, these facilities generally focus on sports and injury rehabilitation. For specific practice areas affecting the elderly like geriatric, pulmonary, and neurological physical therapy, finding an experienced PT who can perform home visits is easiest through a home health agency.

Word of Mouth & Referrals

Next to healthcare agencies, referrals from friends and family are another excellent way to find a qualified therapist. A referral from someone you trust and who required a similar type of therapy is a great endorsement of that therapist – you can see the results for yourself! Knowing that your PT has already worked with and treated someone you trust can also give you the added motivation to succeed in your own therapy. While referrals and word-of-mouth suggestions are great, you may still want to check the therapist’s credentials for yourself. In addition to verifying licenses, you should also look into the PTs disciplinary and probationary records; while some disciplinary actions may be minor (for example, failure to renew a license in a timely manner), others can be more serious. Each state has its own licensure directory; you can look up professionals in the state of Illinois by clicking here.

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